
  • Sri Murti Tarigan STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan
  • Eka Bobby Febrianto STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan
  • Lufy Andria Cik STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan



Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Gibberellins (GA3), Physical quality of the fruit


Physical damage to fruit on oil palm fresh fruit bunches due to harvest and postharvest activities include injured
fruit mesocarp, fruit weight loss, and loss in fruit bunches. One of the postharvest handling that can maintain
the physical quality of the fruit is by giving gibberellins (GA3). This research aims to determine the effect of the
concentration of gibberellins (GA3) whit application time before harvest on the physical quality of postharvest
oil palm fresh fruit bunches. The research was conducted at Afdeling VI Garden Cot Girek PT. Perkebunan
Nusantara I and in the Cot Girek Palm Oil Factory laboratory. The time of the research was conducted in June
until July 2019. The study used a non factorial randomized block design method with 4 treatment levels (0 mg/l,
50 mg/l, 100 mg/l, and 150 mg/l) with 3 replications. The administration of gibberellins has a significant effect
on fruit loss and fruit weight reduction with the best concentration og gibberellins is 50 ppm but does not have
a significant efffect on pH, moisture content, and fruit free fatty acids.


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Author Biographies

Sri Murti Tarigan, STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan

Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan

Eka Bobby Febrianto, STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan

Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan

Lufy Andria Cik, STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan

Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan


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How to Cite

Sri Murti Tarigan, Eka Bobby Febrianto, & Lufy Andria Cik. (2019). PENGARUH KONSENTRASI GIBERELIN (GA3) DENGAN WAKTU APLIKASI SEBELUM PANEN TERHADAP MUTU FISIK TANDAN BUAH SEGAR KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Jurnal Agro Fabrica, 1(2), 60–68.