
  • Aries Sukariawan
  • Muhammad Damara Damanik STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan
  • Suroso Rahutomo STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan



Fruit set, Fruit to Bunch, “Cangkem Buaya”, “Cangkem Kodok”


The low percentage fruit set will impact on the percentage of fruit to bunch and weight of Bunch. Fruit set is
low causing the formation of partenokarpi fruit/coat so that the harvest process is involved in loading, carrying
and processing. To solve the problem, the management of post-harvest Bunis is necessary. Comparing the "V"
(conventional) stem cutting, which is often referred to as the “Cangkem Kodok” (CK) as it is usually applied in
the plantation and the treatment of bunches (stalk) and base of bunches/stalks that have no fruit/ brondolan
called a “Cangkem Buaya" (CB). This research was conducted on oil palm plantation year 2015 planting in the
Plantation of Bah Birung Ulu PTP. Nusantara IV. Five Month research time, namely in February-June year
2019. This research uses a descriptive analysis method that is the primary data retrieval analyzed with Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) and then conducted advanced test using the smallest real difference (BNT) at 5% as well
as correlation of several parameters Observation. The results showed that the weight of the stem garbage waste
with a higher CB treatment compared with CK treatment and with the treatment of CB can save the garbage
that does not fit, transport and sports per bunch in Afdeling 1 by 5.59%, Afdeling 2 8.02% and Afdeling 3
7.63%. With the treatment of stem cutting and base of the fruit bunching (Brondolan) or called the treatment of
crocodile hoe can increase the percentage of Fruit to a bunch average of 6%. The oil extraction were 27%.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Damara Damanik, STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan

Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan

Suroso Rahutomo, STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan

Program Studi Budidaya Perkebunan


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How to Cite

Aries Sukariawan, Muhammad Damara Damanik, & Suroso Rahutomo. (2019). PENGARUH PEMOTONGAN TANGKAI METODE “CANGKEM BUAYA” TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KUALITAS TANDAN BUAH SEGAR. Jurnal Agro Fabrica, 1(2), 38–44.