solar panel, electrical training, soft skillsAbstract
Changes in energy conditions that continue to reduce fossil energy but increase usage, so there needs to be a change in the use of renewable energy, one of the dominant ones in the use of renewable energy that has been widely used in everyday use is the use of solar panels. In 2024, there will be an increasing trend in the use of solar panels, therefore there needs to be good knowledge in installing and connecting solar panels. From this background, it is necessary to improve soft skills for human resources in installing solar panels properly and in accordance with electrical regulations so that there is no short circuit or failure. The purpose of this service is to train students in installing solar panels at the AT-Taubah Islamic Boarding School. The method of this service is to train students at the AT-Taubah Islamic Boarding School to be able to install a good solar panel system. The results of this study show that students understand the importance of renewable energy and understand the procedures for installing solar panel systems in the AT-Taubah Islamic Boarding School building
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