Oil palm Production Management Training Batch II, Periode : 29 - 30 April 2024
Productivity, Production, LPP Agro Nusantara, Holding PerkebunanAbstract
Oil Palm Production Management Training 2nd Batch, on April 29th-30th 2024 at LPP Agro Nusantara. The objective of this training is to increase managerial competency of field assistant from Region I PTP Nusantara IV, Holding Plantation BUMN. Training was held by using classical method, with 4 facilitators for 2 days. The program followed by 9 participants from region I PTP Nusantara IV. Result of the program showed that posttest value (80.74) higher from pretest value (60.74). NPV average for all facilitators were 96% and 100% for organizers. The Program has increasing participants competency in oil palm production management.
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